Setting the Vibe

You might be wondering why we are advising you on how to enjoy YOUR candle... Great question - our advice is just that, advice. The best way to enjoy your High Water Candle, is however brings you happiness. Follow the steps below, or create your own ritual, most of all, YOU DO YOU! 

Each candle is handcrafted with a unique scent designed to fill your space and help encourage a vibe for your task at hand. Whether you want to relax, work on your side hustle, or enjoy some wine, set your vibe and enjoy!

Our Advice

Step 1. Trim your wick for optimal candle performance. Check out our Candle Care page for more tips. 

Step 2. Scan the Spotify QR Code on the bottom of the candle. But of course listen to whichever sounds bring you to your vibe (we get it, our taste may not be yours, don't worry we won't be offended). 

Step 3. Light your candle, slay your vibe, and enjoy!