About Us
About Us
Let's go back... Back to the beginning (Hilary Duff call-back, anyone?!).
High Water Candle technically started on October 29th, 2022, but the inception started years earlier.
Phase 1. After moving to NYC from the SF Bay Area in 2013, I quickly became obsessed with the city, and you might say the vibe of it. Whenever I'd go out I'd always ask "what's the vibe" of the place? This mattered to me almost more than any other aspect (like most millennials). After years of painting the town red (keeping it G-rated here), I wanted to set better vibes in my small (very tiny) apartment. As most people do, I started buying candles, but TBH hated how much the quality ones cost, but at the time it was a necessary evil.
Phase 2. My close friend and roommate at the time (s/o Amy <3), was the most sustainable person I'd ever met. She knows how to reduce, reuse and sustain full on expert level (maybe it's an Aussie thing 🤷♀️). She told me how back home she use to make her own candles. And *poof* the idea was planted, even though I didn't know it at the time.
Phase 3. The dreaded covid-19 dun-dun-dunnnnn. Freshly moved to Brooklyn, ready to enjoy life, when the world hit a major pause button. While everyone was baking bread and pretending to enjoy zoom happy hours, I ordered my first candle-making kit. The first ones were awful (if I do say so myself). But slowly I started researching and ordering better and better quality supplies. During this time, I was selling a few and giving some away to friends, but it still was fully a hobby and stayed this way for years.
Phase 4. In 2022 the economy started dropping and companies were laying-off left and right. While I was worried (foreshadowing), I thought well why not file High Water Candle for an LLC and slowly start building a proper site, so maybe I can make a few bucks as a side gig? Well, 3 days after filing for an LLC, I was laid off (lol). So there it was, the kick in the pants I maybe didn't directly ask for, but had in a way set myself up for.
High Water Candle started out as a love of vibes and grew from a hobby to a passion. I love creating new scents, curating the vibe, and sharing my candles with others.